To celebrate 30 years of the famous Street Fighter franchise, Capcom is releasing a special collection on multiple platforms next year that includes...
One of the best things about VR is experiencing games in a whole new way. Well if you own WipEout Omega Collection, you can soon play the game using...
If you like The Last Guardian, you will be happy to know a standalone VR experience is to be released very soon. It's a separate experience from the...
Hideo Kojima and actor Norman Reedus revealed at The Game Awards 2017 a new trailer for Death Stranding. The trailer shows us a bit more on what the...
Nintendo and PlatinumGames have announced that they are currently developing Bayonetta 3. As expected, it will be another Nintendo Switch exclusive....
Ubisoft was set to release two big games with Far Cry 5 and The Crew 2 both due out in early 2018. Well now it looks like you will have to wait a bit...
Rise of the Tomb Raider came out in 2015, although we have yet to see any official announcements for the next game. Well we may not have to wait too...
Sadly Microsoft didn't release that many exclusives this year, but hopefully next year will be different. That said, Microsoft did release one of the...