Sergey Titov, the executive producer of The War Z, yesterday released two screenshots of their first map, codenamed ‘Colorado’. The map is quite expansive, featuring around 160-170sq km of playable area. In comparison, DayZ’s Chenarus has a whopping 225sq km, however taking into account Chenarus’s considerably large ocean, we could be looking at a similarly sized map. The expected estimate for player count is at around 130, allowing for a snug fit; Yet the map could still handle upwards of 200+ simultaneous zombie killers, with frequent collisions expected every 15 minutes or so.
Check the screenshots below:
The first screenshot released shows approximately 90% of the playable map, taking almost 12km to travel to the central mountain. The second shows three cities, the bottom right being the same one that was shown in the gameplay trailer, and the distant left city being one of the largest in the map, mainly consisting of high-rises.
If you still somehow seem to be a little dismayed at how small the map seems, don’t; A War Z fan and forumer spent around an hour creating a simple representation in Unity 3D to demonstrate just how big the map is said to be, you can find this here.
Being the first of hopefully many equally as large maps, this is nothing but good news for The War Z.
If you haven’t yet seen the gameplay footage from PAX Prime, check it out here.