Black Friday is the time where gamers, parents, and friends go out to buy many of their electronic needs, looking for holiday bundles and great deals. We’ve seen PlayStation 3 Bundles, XBOX 360 Bundles, DSi Bundles, and the Wii Bundles, but the main question is what the top selling bundles are this year.
Just Push Start surveyed majority of GameStop stores in Michigan and a Gamestop Manager, contributor of Just Push Start, had said that PlayStation 3 Holiday bundles were sold out in just five minutes after opening the store. The DSi bundle comes out in second place, and then it followed by the Nintendo Wii. As for the XBOX 360, it didn’t seem to sell to well this Black Friday.
From the statistics given to us by GameStop in one region, it seems that PlayStation 3 is indeed the hottest holiday bundle in the market as of now. First it was Amazon and now GameStop.
Surveyed five stores in the Michigan area. Called up some stores in the Bay Area and PlayStation 3 Bundles are sold out! Followed by DSi bundles.