The hard thing about loaded weeks is when they’re followed by extremely light ones. Even if there is exciting news to look forward to, such as the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 event, PlayStation Plus games and potentially seeing some of the stuff intended for E3, game releases are a bit underwhelming.
For notable games we have The Outer Worlds landing on Switch. Despite releasing a few months prior, being able to play this quirky shooter on the go has been something a lot of fans have been looking forward to and we can’t wait to see how it turns out.
And for anyone who wants to know what else is releasing, you can find the full list below:
Monday 6/1
- Do Not Feed The Monkeys (Switch)
- Fear of The Dark (PC)
Tuesday 6/2
- Valorant (PC)
Wednesday 6/3
- Awesome Pea (XBO)
- Enchartress (PC)
- Quest 4 Papa: Reloaded (PC)
Thursday 6/4
- Tour de France 2020 (PS4/XBO)
- Depth Of Extinction (Switch)
- Elly’s Cake Cafe (PC)
Friday 6/5
- The Outer Worlds (Switch)
- Cyber Protocol (PC/XBO)
- Strawberry Vinegar (Switch)
- Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (PC)
- Ninja Scarf (PC)