In preparation to todays reveal, Ubisoft has discounted The Division 2 to $2.99 on the PlayStation Store, Xbox Marketplace and via their own storefront. This was actually a rather expected move, given GameStop had dropped the price to $4.99 earlier this week, likely to prepare for the same event.
While we won’t know what exactly is going to be revealed later today, early rumors suggest it’s going to be a new expansion and second season content. In the expansion we return to New York to see how things have changed and handle the situation. Along with that, there seems to be changes, like new special editions and more.

For some this might be reason to hold off and it might be given we will know what it entails later today but still something good to keep in mind. Even if you were not the biggest fan of the beta, it’s hard to argue with a price point that low. Especially given fans were going crazy about GameStop offering it for $4.99. Plus, once you invest a bit in the game you can see if it’s worth your time and potentially find more value in the announcements than you would’ve otherwise thought.
Finally, for those worried about it eventually going free, keep in mind that Ubisoft historically does not have the best history with PlayStation. Outside of a couple exceptions, most Ubisoft games have not been offered from the service and it likely won’t start with The Division 2. Xbox has seen a few more offered, but also doesn’t have the best track record. Now, it being offered as part of Gamepass is a bit more likely but hard to say how long or even if it will be a part of the subscription. It’s a gamble but likely one where it doesn’t matter what you choose.