Regardless of how much you may or may not love RPGs, true ends can be frustrating. Sometimes they involve very specific choices, other times they’re impossible unless you go out of your way and every now and then you just need to do something specific. Given Arc of Alchemist gives you a lot of clues as to potential true end conditions, it is ultimately fairly simple.
To achieve the true end you simply need to obtain five items called Memory Units. Each level has one hidden somewhere and are numbered so you know which you missed, making it pretty easy to do. Since it might take you a while to find them all and achieve the true end, this guide will tell you where to find them all.
Editor’s Note: Beating Arc of Alchemist does not instantly force you to play New Game + and you can earn the true end by simply returning to where you fight the last boss and opting to fight it again. The ending will be exactly the same, except there is a small scene after the credits.
Abandoned City – Memory Unit 1

The first Memory Unit is the easiest to find and is located down a side path in the Abandoned City. Simply navigate to the far left and you should see it waiting for you.

Unlike most of them, this one does not have a trick or require you to return later in the game.
Encroaching Sands – Memory Unit 2

If you follow the path to the left of the main camp you’ll eventually find a chest containing the second Memory Unit.

Simply open the box and make your way to the next location.
Abyssal Valley – Memory Unit 3

Once you have the wind power, make your way south. There should be a path you can now access that leads to the chest. Please keep in mind that it is fairly easy to miss, even when you’re looking for it.

Blow off the dust and the prize is yours.
Pulsating Sands – Memory Unit 4

This is another side path, just this time in the middle of nowhere. Head right from the middle camp and you should see it covered in dust.

Remove the dust to obtain the fourth Memory Unit.
Desert Center – Memory Unit 5

The last one doesn’t require anything fancy to obtain, though it’s extremely important to note the easiest way to obtain it is by going the south entrance. This is because you need to unlock the door to go from the middle section, otherwise you’ll be going the long way.

Since it is very dark, use your mini-map to locate it. Upon opening you’ll have the fifth and final Memory Unit. Simply return to the area where you fight the final boss or go to the final boss fight and upon finishing you’ll unlock the true end.