There were a lot of games released in 2019, although sadly only a few of them were Xbox One exclusives. That being said, one big Xbox One game didn’t disappoint and that game was none other than Gears 5.
The only other major Xbox One exclusive that came out this year was Crackdown 3. Crackdown 3 was a huge disappointment because the game was repetitive and felt very outdated. These things are what Gears 5 does not suffer from.
I remember playing Gears of War 4 three years ago and thinking that the Gears franchise was starting to lose some steam. Sure Gears of War 4 was fun, but it felt too similar to the previous games and didn’t innovate enough in my opinion.

On the other hand, Gears 5 feels like a breath of fresh air because The Coalition added several new things to make the single-player campaign feel less linear.
The big change is the fact that Gears 5 was a semi open-world video game. As you play as Kait Diaz, she and her teammates had access to a skiff where they could explore and tackle different sidequests that weren’t apart of the main story.
The open-world aspect of Gears 5 made the game feel different and more exciting than Gears of War 4. Not to mention the main story mode was much longer and satisfying than in the other games in the series.
Graphically, Gears 5 pushed the Xbox One X console to its limits and is one of the best games I have played all year long. The game also featured a ton of great multiplayer modes as well to round out the package.