2K Games and Gearbox Software announced today that this month, the Borderlands series will be celebrating its 10 years since the first game debuted on October 20, 2009. To celebrate it, Gearbox Software will be having a five-week Borderlands Anniversary Celebration that starts this week.
Gamers who have purchased Borderlands 3, you are in luck as there will be events every week for the whole month, including the first week of November.

Starting today, Tuesday, October 1, players will be able to participate in the Boss Week, which will remain active until October 8 at 8:59 AM Pacific Time. During the boss week in Borderlands 3, players will have an increased chance in dropping specific Legendary Items.
A breakdown of the boss loots that will have increased chance of dropping this week:
- Mouthpiece has an increased chance to drop Gatling Gun
- KillaVolt has an increased chance to drop Brainstormer
- Gigamind has an increased chance to drop Nagata
- Katagawa Ball has an increased chance to drop Rectifier
- Katagawa has an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
- Rampager has an increased chance to drop Kill-o’-the-Wisp
- Warden has an increased chance to drop Echo
- GenIVIV has an increased chance to drop Ten Gallon
- Aurelia has an increased chance to drop Creeping Death
- Graveward has an increased chance to drop Earworm
- Pain and Terror have an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
- Troy has an increased chance to drop Nova Berner
- Tyreen has an increased chance to drop Bitch
For the full event breakdown for this year’s Borderlands Anniversary Celebration, here are more details:
- Week 1 (October 1-7): Bonus Boss Loot!
- Week 2 (October 8-14): Rare Spawn Hunt!
- Week 3 (October 15-21): Show Me the Eridium!
- Week 4 (October 22-28): Mayhem on Twitch!
- Week 5 (October 29 – November 4): It’s a Secret…
Definitely check back with us every week for the new events that will take place in Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC via Epic Games Store. Still can’t decide if Borderlands 3 is for you? Check out our review.