Even though Catherine: Full Body has been out for years, the newly released remaster features five new endings for players to obtain. None of them are particularly hard to obtain, though they require extremely specific actions to unlock, and given these are the endings players want to see, we wanted to make an ending guide that makes it even easier for players to achieve.
Editor’s Note: Prior to writing this guide I used a number of other sources, plenty with conflicting information or outright wrong information. While I can’t confirm or deny this guide is 100 percent accurate, I can say it includes all the relevant information I could obtain in my quest to achieve these endings.
Given the length needed to list all the questions and answers, I simplified things by only including extremely important new ones. The returning ones are listed as just the answer for the questions on 9-1 through 9-4 respectively. For the new returning character endings, they’re listed under alternative.
Rin Path
Since Rin is brand new for Catherine: Full Body, this is probably the most desired path and it’s kind of tricky to unlock.

During the third, fourth, fifth and sixth night, you need to answer questions that break the meter like you see above. Typically they’re responses that involve Vincent being a more open individual and it takes a decent number, sadly I don’t know the exact amount, for the option to appear during the seventh night. Because of the length of this guide, I will not be including all the answers, just keep in mind that you accept secrets, think with your heart and things of the like. You can also save and retry until you get the effect.
Unlocking the path itself
During the seventh night Vincent will have a brief monologue where you need to answer the following questions. Anything besides the included answers will keep you on the original path.
- Who is Rin to me? Someone I need
- Maybe I want to live that way too. Without being’ pressured by anybody? I don’t know yet
- But if I really want to be myself, I’m going to need…? A future with Rin

From this point forward the order/chaos bar will break and there will be a flower that grows. Your goal for the remaining chapters is to answer four questions, which causes the flower to bloom, in ways that show you’re growing as a person. Without listing all the answers, typically responses that are about accepting yourself/others, breaking the norm and accepting new things will cause it to grow.
- True – After causing the flower to bloom, give the following answers
- What are humans truly capable of? Boundless Creation
- What has driven you to go this far? Love for the one I cherish
- What is the true nature of love? An endless possibility
- Good – After causing the flower to bloom, give any response that does not match the ones listed above
- Bad – Answer three or less questions with a response that causes the flower to grow before finishing the ninth night
- True – max or extremely far in the order category and giving the following answers: Of course I would, Yes, No
- Good – heavy or max order and giving the following answers: Of course I would, yes, yes, peaceful days
- Bad – neutral or heavy chaos and giving the following answers: Of course I would, no, no, no and then left option
Before going down this route, it’s extremely important to note I only got the alternative endings when I was at middle alignment. I believe doing the steps listed below will actually cause them to replace the previous bad endings, but don’t hold me to that. I can also say you can do both Catherine and Katherine on the same run, provided you complete the steps listed for both girls.
At the start of the fifth day at the Stray Sheep you’ll get an e-mail saying “Did you see the news?” You need to ignore this e-mail and sometime later you’ll get one saying “I think I just want to be inspired.” This one you need to reply to and mention you’ll send a video. There will be a final e-mail saying “so you’ll send me the video?,” which you supposedly need to reply to.
On the sixth day you’ll have a response called “I heard her play” and you need to reply to it.
Finally, on the final chapter, you need to say Of course I would, Yes, No and if the question becomes “Do you have any lingering longing for excitement and chaos” you completed the tasks required and just need to answer no.

- True – max or extremely far in the chaos category and giving the following answers: Of course I would, no, yes and then yes
- Good – Heavy chaos and giving the following answers: Of course I would, no, no, no and then right
- Bad – Heavy order or middle and giving the following answers: Of course I would, yes, yes, right option
Before going down this route, it’s extremely important to note I only got the alternative endings when I was at middle alignment. I believe doing the steps listed below will actually cause them to replace the previous bad endings, but don’t hold me to that. I can also say you can do both Catherine and Katherine on the same run, provided you complete the steps listed for both girls.
At the start of the fifth day at the Stray Sheep you’ll get an e-mail asking “How’s your stomach?” You need to ignore that until there is a follow up called “Heyyy.” Respond to this e-mail saying you’ll send a video and that will get you another e-mail called “I knew she looked familiar.” This one you don’t need to respond to but it’s still content to see.
During the sixth day there will be a final e-mail called “I watched it,” which you just need to reply to.
Finally, on the final stage, say of course I would, no, yes and if you did it right the question will be “do you still have a longing for peace?” to which you obviously say no.

- True – middle alignment or close to it and giving the following answers: Of course I would, no, no and then yes
- Good – strong alignment on either side and giving the following answers: Of course I would, no, no and then yes
While not actually considered an ending, there is a final one if you beat Axis Mundi.
Basic key information
If you’re looking for additional information on making the most of your time, it’s important to note if you’re a trophy/achievement hunter, one of the tasks is related to beating Catherine: Full Body on every difficulty with a gold award. This means I strongly suggest doing as many runs and cutting as few corners as possible. For everyone else, beating the game on normal enables skip and if you lack the skill to do that, safety has an auto play function. While I would advise doing a real run, later ones can be rushed provided you know what to say and do.
Similar things can be said for cutscenes too. Most cutscenes will be exactly the same at the start of the game and for the Catherine and Katherine routes. The only one you might miss is the optional midnight Stray Sheep scenes. If you want to unlock them, simply talk to people until everyone leaves and Catherine will show up. At this point you’ll get the missing cutscene.
Beyond this, most endings are based off your alignment. Every answer and most choices will either increase whether you’re more chaos, order or somewhere in the middle. The best way to play this is to save all the optional characters during your order or Rin run, followed by a run where you basically answer as many chaos responses as order, either Rin or order (whatever one you didn’t do) and finally chaos.
How to quickly beat the game
As mentioned above, you can skip stages and once you save everyone, get the midnight Catherine scenes and get the drink trivia done, assuming you even want to do these, the optional stuff can also be skipped. The only thing you actually need to do is look at your alignment and ensure you’re high enough to proceed. Please note, on a chaos run you might need to go out of your way to get more chaos, though once you have it far to the left you can ignore it all.