Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers just launched its early access a couple of days ago and with people who are subscribed to the game hitting the level 80, there are still a lot of things to do in the game, like unlocking all Aether Currents in the new map.
Back in the Heavensward expansion where flying mounts were introduced, one way to get that flying mount able to fly on a certain map is to find those aether current scattered throughout the map. In Shadowbringers, the concept is the same.
There are about six new maps that are available in Shadowbringers. They are huge and will require some time to really explore it if you want to unlock all currents. Without a guide, it will be hard as some currents are really hidden. Luckily, we got you the locations.
Below are the location of the Aether Currents that are available for each map. Some of the locations you see below will require you to do a sidequests before you can unlock that Aether.
Amh Araeng Aether Currents Location

Il Mheg Aether Currents Location

The Tempest Aether Currents Location

The Rat’Tika Greatwood Aether Currents Location

Kholusia Aether Currents Location

Lakeland Aether Currents Location