Since the Nintendo Switch debuted about two years ago, it has become a port machine, where a plethora of games from last generation have been suddenly popping up on the system. It’s not a bad thing at all as it gives new generation of gamers who missed out the opportunity in playing some of the great games from last-generation a chance to experience it.
From games like Saints Row: the Third, Valkyria Chronicles, Blades of Time, and L.A. Noire – here are five games we really hope developers will port to the Switch:
1. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

We all know that the Nintendo Switch is great for playing JRPGs. The release of Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy X/X-2 pleased a lot of Switch owners as they can play the game on-the-go. To please more JRPG fans who own a Switch, Bandai Namco should definitely consider porting Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Not only is it one of the best JRPG games of last generation, there’s also a sequel that is current-gen that they can hopefully port on the Switch and bundle it with the first game.
2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

The list of action games that are on the Nintendo Switch isn’t really diverse. A game that could potentially make action fans go crazy, especially for Nintendo fans who played previous Metal Gear games, is the port release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. While we don’t really see it coming as Konami is busy with other stuff, a man could only wish this would happen right?
3. Grand Theft Auto IV

We know that porting a big game such as Grand Theft Auto IV is possible for the Nintendo Switch as Saints Row: The Third managed to do it. Sure, it will be all compressed and all, and might perform similar to the Switch version of Saints Row: The Third, but knowing Rockstar Games loves to polish things up – they may be able to port it at some point with less bugs and make it run smoothly?
4. Bioshock

Sometimes we need games that will scare us or bring us to a whole new level of experience when playing games on-the-go and I believe Bioshock is the game to do just that. Since no Bioshock games have been released this generation, it would be wise for 2K Games to bring over a port to the Nintendo Switch version to reignite the flame to the series and have people talk about it.
5. Mass Effect

More RPGs! Yes, that’s what the majority of the Switch fans have been clamoring. Another game that could potentially make the Switch fans go crazy is the port version of the three Mass Effect games. We have seen EA port Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U, so it might be possible to bring the franchise on the Switch.