Like most things, the best and worst part of E3 is the difference between what we want and what we get. This was a large part of people being disappointed in Sony’s press conference last year. Even though it showed multiple exciting games, did a lot with The Last of Us Part 2 and more, it wasn’t quite what people wanted and that is the problem. While we can’t control what news comes out of E3, here are the five games we’re most excited to see at the event.
Cyberpunk 2077
Arguably the most interesting thing about Cyberpunk 2077 is how little we actually know about it. Following its 2012 reveal, the title basically vanished until reappearing at E3 2018. Since then we’ve learned that it will be a first person experience, have multiple explorable buildings, a variety of ways to complete quests and there will be just as much focus on action as story. The optimistic thing is Global Community Lead for CD Projekt Red, Marcin Momot, confirmed there will be a public and private showing, though the two will be different. What this means is anyone’s guess but it’s exciting to say the least.
Borderlands 3
Many have expected Gearbox to do something new with Borderlands for a while. So, when it was finally announced, there was a lot of excitement and expectations. Given it’s releasing on Sept. 13, 2019, it’s safe to assume we will see something at E3. Even if we don’t get anything more than a demo, it will be exciting to see what improvements the series will take on given it is the first true release this generation and there has been roughly five years between this release and The Pre-Sequel.
Marvel’s Avengers
After originally being mentioned two years ago, it was confirmed the first title in the Avenger product will be shown at this years E3. Given Crystal Dynamics success with the Tomb Raider series it’s easy to get excited, even if it isn’t part of the MCU. Outside of that, the E3 Coliseum listing for the title revealed it will have a single and up to four player co-op gameplay and an action adventure title with RPG elements. This is enough to give us faith, though anything can sound good in theory.

Doom Eternal
Doom was one of the better reboots in recent memory. Given the hype and overall interest surrounding Doom Eternal, it stands to reason we will see if this title lives up to the expectations set by the previous title or will coast by with name recognition. But, I think it’s safe to assume it will be, if nothing else, horrifying and fascinating to see.
An Update on Destiny, Anthem and/or Fallout 76
Since E3 2018, Anthem and Fallout 76 both releases and failed to meet player expectations. Fallout 76 had enough concerns to make that outcome expected, though it still came as a surprise to many. As for Anthem, it didn’t have as much hype, though certainly plenty of interest, leading to many defending it as a diamond in the extreme rough. With all eyes on E3 2019, it will be interesting to see what kind of future the franchises have.
We already know Anthem is going to get an event called Cataclysm in the foreseeable future, making E3 the best time to go a step further than just outlining the basic concept. As for Fallout 76, there is enough goodwill to rekindle interest if the right things were announced, the issue being that is a big if and it’s impossible to say if they see the value in investing in it or just calling it a loss.

As for Destiny, we know the final part of the annual pass, Season of Opulence begins June 4 and will run until Aug., likely just in time for something new in Sept. What that new thing is will be anyone’s guess, though likely another expansion and/or pass-esque system to delay whatever they have coming up.
What makes this the perfect time to talk about Destiny again is the relatively recent news that Activision is no longer involved. Players have been using them as a scapegoat most, if not all, of the franchises problems, so now is the perfect time to see where the problems are. With Bungie historically revealing something big at each years E3, this should be a given.
While this makes up our choices, if there is something you’re excited for or just hope to see, feel free to post it below.