As much as I loved Moss, I never understood why it was a VR game. It was basically your standard action adventure game with some cumbersome, at least with my set up, motion controls and occasional interactions with Quill. Similar things can be said about Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars. Since this is a normal game with 4K, improved sound and, of course, VR support, it’s hard to avoid this issue, yet it somehow manages to be the first game where VR clicked for me.
After putting on the headset, you find yourself Jehuty and have the ability to observe the world around you. Looking at the sides or behind you will show the cockpit, with the front letting you see potential threats and hostile forces. Even though it’s the same experience from the past, or at least enough where I can’t pinpoint a difference, the ability to “pilot” Jehuty makes a substantial difference.
There is a certain sense of excitement chasing down lesser enemies and fear when confronted with the overwhelming power of Anubis. In so many ways it mimicked scenes from mecha anime of various levels of popularity, since now you had to track, trace and ultimately destroy anyone that stands in your way.
While the demo was limited to the opening segment, it made enough of a difference to be impressed by it. Sure, this isn’t the first time we’ve visited Zone of the Enders and it likely won’t be the last, but these small changes certainly make it seem like enough of a change to make it the definitive experience. Not in the sense that it is the best version, but rather, it gains enough to make the adventure fresh and exciting.