The fun looking NBA Playgrounds has now gotten a new gameplay trailer as well as additional details of the game. This looks like a perfect successor to NBA Jam.
PlayStation posted these details about the game: “Easy to pick up and play, NBA Playgrounds is a challenge to master. Watch the Gameplay Trailer to learn more about the unique lottery pick system, progression system, tournaments, single player and online gameplay. This May, get ready to Up Your Game!”
Additional details about the game were posted on the PlayStation Blog. It’s basically like NBA Jam as you can do insane dunks and 3 pointers. Even though the game is accessible to everyone, there is an added layer of gameplay that advanced players will love.
There is also a Lottery system that initiates after you get lots of points. This wheel will open up to let you get some bonuses such as super speed, 12 more inches on dunks and more.
The game also allows you to upgrade your players. This ensures you can get some cool looking new moves. There are many signature moves that you can uncover. You can see the trailer below for more info.