A few years ago, Tim Carter produced a web series based off of the Mortal Kombat franchise. Taking a very unique spin on the series, Mortal Kombat: Legacy was very successful, leading to a second season as well. Now, he has announced that he has optioned the rights to Dead Rising and is only waiting on a deal with a “very large studio in Los Angeles” to film a web series akin to what he did with Mortal Kombat: Legacy.
If everything works out, Contradiction Film will create a 90 minute long series, split up until multiple installment. Differing from Legacy’s first season, this will actually have a linear story rather than multiple different characters episodes.
Carter’s Contradiction Films is also in talks right now for a live-action adaptation of Mighty No. 9, the crowdfunded game from Keiji Inafune that will serve as a spiritual successor the Mega Man franchise. Pretty crazy that a movie is already in the talks when the game is still at least a year away from release.