The Division was one of E3’s most appealing titles. It stuck with us so much, in fact, that we went as far as to call it the best new IP shown at the event. Little by little, we’re learning more about Ubisoft’s ambitious third-person shooter MMO, and we like what we’re hearing.
The team has provided a few new details regarding the clan system. Ubisoft is developing “a very extensive web-based clan support system” and will not restrict the number of people you recruit into your clan. So, potentially, your clan can be built up to whatever point you wish. Would you like to be a small-scale mercenary group or a massive army? Either is possible based on the extensive clan support Ubisoft is touting. As a side note, despite being able to grow your clan as large as you want, the amount of people allowed in a single instance is currently unknown.
The Division will release on PS4 and Xbox One next year.