Switching the focus to Recon, you’ll notice they are far less equipped, especially when facing down vehicles or aircrafts. The class’ SOFLAM and MAV are just for additional support. Neither directly harms the enemy — the MAV was once able to kill enemies by passing through them, but it was fixed — which leaves this class completely dependent on the competence of the team. Many times, Engineers don’t take advantage of the SOFLAM while it’s up. Those jack-of-all-trades juggernauts don’t even require the extra support provided by the SOFLAM. Then there’s the MAV, an incredibly weak reconnaissance tool. It spots enemies (just like everyone else does when they spam SELECT) with the added benefit of being airborne. The MAV seems to have been so pointless that Recon found new ways to use it, such as riding it or getting “roadkills” with it.
If the team doesn’t feel like actually playing as a team, then the Recon’s value drops drastically. Other classes can survive fairly well, even without the most efficient team. Recon needs to support more varied play styles (where’s the love for Spec Ops players?) by allowing the distant shooters to move in on objectives without having to switch to aggro sniping. Or, even worse, getting caught like a deer in the headlights when met with some light armor. Let’s hope DICE has listened to player feedback and made the appropriate adjustments in Battlefield 4.

Dynamic Scope Glint
I understand that DICE’s inclusion of scope glint for snipers was an attempt to discourage camping. However, placing what is essentially a tac light on top of your rifle wasn’t the greatest idea. It has been tweaked here and there, but I still feel that its implementation isn’t right. With new technologies and more powerful hardware at DICE’s fingertips for Battlefield 4, they have a chance to improve this feature if they wish to keep it. Dynamic scope glint would further push Battlefield toward its goal to portray shooting more realistically. Depending on light sources, primarily the sun, the glint could reflect off the scope as the sniper adjusts the rifle.
At the moment, we’re seeing ridiculous scope glint appearances. Scope glint in the dark tunnels of Operation Metro? You’ve got to be kidding me. The distances there are so small that no one needs the aid of scope glint in locating a Recon player. True night maps have been absent from Battlefield 3 — Tehran Highway and Death Valley were too brightly lit (in my opinion), with the later including an overwhelming blue tint — so it’s hard to say how DICE would have handled the glint in such a map. Battlefield 4 needs to either find another way to reduce camping or make the scope glint effect more realistic.

Bring Back Ghillie Suits
Ghillie suits should make a comeback, at least as a customization option. Although many may look at this as another way for players to camp, concealment sits atop Recon’s main strategy. While the getup would make no sense on more man made maps, the environments sporting tons of shrubbery would be Recon’s best friend. Scope glint/sway and intense bullet drop already test the Recon class. A simple change of clothing shouldn’t be too much to ask for in Battlefield 4 so that these players aren’t so incredibly easy to spot.
The above recommendations could make the Recon class more adaptable to various battle scenarios and less dependent on everyone else. Team work is key, but having to rely on your teammates 100% can be a drag, not to mention no other class is this co-dependent. I know there are those out there scoffing at some of these ideas because they don’t want to see the class return to its overpowered Bad Company 2 state, but the class is now at a huge disadvantage. Sure, you could argue that it means only the truly skilled will try and pick up a sniper rifle in an attempt to overcome Recon’s hardships, but I feel that the odds are stacked too heavily against the class. I believe change is necessary. As we near E3, and hopefully Battlefield 4’s multiplayer reveal, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for some kit tweaks, especially for Recon. Be sure to share your own thoughts on the current state of the Recon class as well as what other changes you’d like to see in the upcoming Battlefield 4 game.
April 4, 2013 at 10:52 AMHate to break it to you, but you can still roadkill with the MAV, even with the latest patch.