Slow Pace
While playing Growlanser, you will notice that the game slowly progresses through the story, which is pretty common in this genre. It takes around 6 hours before the story really develops, so impatient gamers might want to reconsider this one. However once you get past that time frame, you will them see how the epic story unfolds.
Dated Graphics
Despite the game being a ‘remake’, you won’t see a big difference in terms of visuals. Rather than calling it a remake, many will say that it’s simply a port as the visuals are pretty much the same. For those who are not fond of the classic small 2d sprites, there’s a chance you will not enjoy this game. However, if you own a Vita you can go ahead and transfer it via the PS3 transfer utility and see a slight improvement on the visuals. Otherwise, make sure that you have the stomach to swallow the dated visuals the game has to offer.
Despite the slow pace and dated visuals that Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time has to offer, the game is still a must-buy for any RPG fan. Everything that a hardcore RPG fan is looking for can be found within the game, including a well-written story, well paced combat and a roughly 60 hour campaign on the go. Additionally the Vita support is a nice touch, as you can freely upgrade your system and continue on with your adventure without a hassle. In all and all Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time is sure to make RPG fans happy and is a must for gamers looking for the classic RPG feel.
[Editor’s Note: Growlanser Wayferer of Time was reviewed on the PSP. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]