With certain lucky players now taking part in Skyrim: Dawnguard’s beta, it was only a matter of time before images began to surface. That time has come and now we are in possession of screenshots showing off the new skill trees for werewolves and vampires as well as detailed information regarding the three new Shouts.
Check them out below:
Vampire Skill Tree

Power of the Grave – 50 point bonus to health, magicka and stamina as a Vampire Lord.
Detect All Creatures (requires Power of the Grave)
Mist Form – turn yourself into an invulnerable cloud of mist while regenerating your health, magicka, and stamina.(requires Detect All Creatures)
Supernatural Reflexes – you move quicker, enemies move slower (requires Mist Form)
Blood Healing – killing a person with a power attack bite restores all your health. (requires Power of the Grave)
Unearthly Will – night powers and Blood Magic cost 33% less (requires Power of the Grave)
Poison Talons – melee attacks deal 20 points of poison damage (requires Unearthly Will and Blood Healing)
Night Cloak – a shroud of bats feed on enemies within melee range. (requires Poison Talons)
Vampiric Grip – Blood Magic: can pull a creature to you from a distance, and do choking damage once it’s close (requires Power of the Grave)
Summon Gargoyle (requires Vampiric Grip)
Corpse Curse – paralyze your foes with this magical blast (requires Summon Gargoyle)
Werewolf Skill Tree
Bestial Strength (four levels) – first level: do 25% more damage as a werewolf
Totem of Ice Brothers (requires Bestial Strength)
Totem of the Predator (requires Bestial Strength)
Totem of Terror – Werewolf Howl of Terror affects even higher level creatures (requires Bestial Strength)
Totem of the Moon – summon an ally werewolf with a howl. (requires Totem of Ice Brothers)
Animal Vigor – 100 point bonus to health and stamina in beast form. (requires Bestial Strength)
Gorging – feeding heals twice as much health (requires Animal Vigor)
Savage Feeding – (requires Gorging)
Dragon Shouts
Drain Vitality – coax both magical and mortal energies from hapless opponent
Summon Durnehviir – summons the undead dragon Durnehviir from the Soul Cairn
Soul Tear – rips the soul out of an opponent and turns them into an ally
Skyrim’s Dawnguard DLC will be available on Xbox 360 first on June 26th.
Information courtesy of PopBucket