Black Spider-Clan Witch
This boss fight is more of a QTE. While you’re on her body, keep attacking the glowing red bump. Watch out for the Spider Clan climbing her as they will attack you.
Evil Ryu
You will be fighting the other persona of Ryu that has been divulged by the curse. His attacks will be the same as yours. Keep gliding and attack to win this battle.
Evil Ryu Part 2
There’s a twist now to the transformed Evil Ryu. As you attack him, he’ll eventually be engulfed with the curse and begin to glow. Once he does this, wait until Ryu’s right arm glows and hold Triangle to perform an ultimate technique. Once done, you’ll perform a QTE against him. Do this three times and he’ll fall.
Lord of Alchemy’s Boss Mech
The Mech deals massive damage if you get hit by its fire. Attack the hand that sprays out fire and, once that’s out, attack the other hand that creates a shield. As you fight the mech, be sure to watch out for the incoming missiles.
Once you defeat its first form, the mech will transform into a flying airship. Use the bow to hit the glowing yellow underneath it. Don’t forget to watch for out for missiles.
In its last form, the mech will come back to the ground and transform into some kind of car. Hit the wheels with the Bow, but don’t forget to glide away when the mech attempts to run over Ryu. Once the wheels are gone, it will shoot out beams that are hard to miss.
Final Fight with Masked Man
You’ll be fighting the Masked Man in red for the final time. His attacks are the same as they were at the beginning of the game.
Cliff has three forms:
1. He’ll start out with his first form which keeps on dashing at the player and attacks with his four arms. Remain distant from him and use the glide and attack method.
2. In his second form, Cliff will levitate off of the ground and summon a monster. Keep fighting the monster until you fully charge up that right cursed arm to do an ultimate technique attack. While fighting the monsters, watch out for Cliff’s attacks as he’ll keep shooting beams to distract you.
Masked Man Unmasked
Now that you know who the Masked Man is, you’ll fight him for the last time. His attacks have not changed, which should make this part feel routine at this point.
Final Boss: Goddess Reborn
The Goddess from the Dragon Sword is the final boss in the game. During the first part, you’ll be performing a lot of QTEs, but near the end the Goddess will consistently attack you with her arm and sword. Remain on the offensive and repeatedly attack her arm until you can perform a QTE.
February 3, 2013 at 4:22 PMTHIS JUST SUX
how can u say unmasked boss is same as masked….
masked version didnt grab so much
i just cant beat him…..he keep grabbing me
and i cant grab him
but then again the entire game sux…
February 3, 2013 at 4:33 PMfor people having same troubble
use sidestep allot! in combination with quick attack (not the sidestepattack!)
and jump in combination with heavy attack (throw technique repeat) u wont throw or hit but u get his guard down
still the game sux….no items no skills or moves to buy no weapons no nothing! (only for online)
like most games …online playabilty goes at cost of story mode
(this game gets real boring real fast since u do the same stuff over and over and over and over)
alternate weapons could have avoided this problem
January 22, 2014 at 1:48 PMDodge and attack? That’s the strategy? That is completely useless. No one plays a NG game for more then 5 minutes without figuring that out or they will never make it to a boss. Either give some actual useful advice or don’t bother posting.
Helpful advice.