It seems that a rumor has popped up once again that a supposed Army of Two sequel, titled Army of Four, is currently being worked on by Electronic Arts. You may remember that a rumor surfaced back in December that Army of Four was in development and would utilize the Frostbite 2 engine and support 4 player co-op. The rumor seems to have caught some heat again as one of the voice actors, Joe Flanigan from Stargate Atlantis, Tweeted the following:
“Just signed on to do the new AO4 video game for Electronic Arts .Some splinter from Battlefield. Finally, my kids think I am cool again.”
Flanigan later posted another Tweet stating “showing how distinctively uncool I am, I think I have those games mixed up,” and correcting his error. This may mean that Flanigan mistook the new Army of Two game as a Battlefield title. If this is indeed a new Army of Two game, who will the two new playable characters be that join Rios and Salem? And can they improve upon the last titles mechanics? If they can then we are in for one hell of a bro-op game.