One of CVG’s sources claims to have inside knowledge of the next Assassin’s Creed installment.
It was stated that the currently unnanounced Assassin’s Creed title would take place during the American Revolution and feature a new protagonist. Better yet, if the source is to be believed, Ubisoft will showcase this game before the end of their fiscal year, March 31st.
The idea of an American Revolution setting isn’t far-fetched given the hints dropped in previous AC entries. Brotherhood’s Da Vinci Disappearance DLC provided coordinated bit by bit that eventually led to New York. Furthermore, Revelations displayed a globe (pictured above) with the US highlighted.
While both of these pieces of evidence are interesting, they are far from conclusive. To further prove this source’s claims, one must look back at the survey Ubisoft posted last year. The survey asked players to choose where they wanted to see Assassin’s Creed head to next. Among the possible options, this one stands out the most now: “The confrontation between British colonists and native Americans during The American Revolution.”
As CVG points out, this setting could lead to a run in with George Washington who “according to Assassin’s Creed lore is in possession of an Apple of Eden.”
I believe I speak for all of us when I say I can’t wait to see what Ubisoft has planned for the series’ “biggest installment yet.”