Another faction that you can join in Skyrim are the Companions, which is similar to the ones in Cyrodiil’s Fighters Guild. Aside from being able to train you with skills in using a sword, the Companions itself has secrets that only the member of the Circle can find out.
As we revealed earlier this week, the players who will join the Companions will be given the opportunity to become a Werewolf. Being that night creature doesn’t the only advantage of joining the Companions as there are more. What could it be? Let’s find out.
Joining the Companions
The Companions faction might be the very first faction that you join as it’s located near the towns you already been at the beginning of the game. In Skyrim, their base of operations is located in Whiterun, just below the Dragonsreach.
To join the Companions faction, you will encounter one of its member, just outside of Whiterun in Pelagia Farm, where he/she is taking down a Giant. You can either watch or help kill it. Once that’s done, talk to them he’ll mention the Companions. Now go to Whiterun and reach the Companions stronghold that is located right beneath the stairs that leads to the Dragonsreach.
When you enter their stronghold, you’ll see people doing some kind of training. Talk to Kodlak, their leader to begin the initiation quest, ‘Take Up Arms‘.
Do the short errand and you’ll be part of the Companions. As a reward of joining, you’ll get to sleep at their barracks.
Werewolf? The Circle?
At first, you’ll do a lot of dealings with the Silver Hand bandits. As you move along to the Companions questline, more secrets of the Companions will be revealed such as the Circle and the ability to turn into a Werewolf. The quest ‘Proving Honor‘ will allow you to see how the Werewolf does in the game.
When you become a Werewolf, you’ll learn that all of the members of the Companions are a Werewolf. At some point in the course of your adventure with the Companions, you’ll have a quest where you must purify all of them and rid the curse that allows them to be a Werewolf.
Achievements / Trophies
Take Up Arms – Become a member of the Companions.
Blood Oath – Become a Werewolf or you can unlock this by simply doing the Companion’s quest, ‘Silver Hand’
Glory of the Dead – Complete the questline for the Companions
Skill Trainers
Archery – Aela the Huntress (Expert)
Heavy Armor – Farkas (Master)
One-Handed – Athis (Expert)
Two-Handed – Vilkas (Master)
Block – Njada Stonearm (Expert)
Smithing – Eorlund Gray-Mane (Master)
Main Quests
– Complete Companions Subquest Guide
– Take Up Arms
– Proving Honor
– The Silver Hand
– Blood’s Honor
– Purity of Revenge
– Glory of the Dead