Almost exactly five years ago, the Playstation 2 was graced with an over-the-top, comedic action game called God Hand. This was the final game ever created by Clover Studios, the same people behind Viewtiful Joe and Okami.
As of tomorrow, October 4th, PS3 gamers will be able to download God Hand from the PSN. The official statement and price was posted on Capcom-Unity’s Twitter. The tweet can be read here:
Color me stunned: PS2 masterpiece GOD HAND coming out for PS3 tomorrow (Tuesday)! $9.99 for one of the greatest action games of all time.
For $10 you can experience the insane fighting contained within God Hand that, unfortunately, not many gave a chance during its initial release.
PS2 games will now be available on the PSN, however, just like PSOne Classics, they will not be given a visual update or trophy support. PS2 titles releasing alongside God Hand tomorrow include GrimGrimoire, Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, Odin Sphere and Ring of Red.