Dragon Ball Z fans have been wondering just how many characters they’d be able to play as in the upcoming game, Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi. With Namco Bandai’s FAQ leaving many people confused, mostly due to spelling errors, the true number has remained unknown… that is, until now.
Saiyan Island took the time to count each character and their transformations in a recent video that made its way onto the web. The final count comes in at 44 characters or, if you count all transformations as different characters, 62 is your final number.
Here’s the list:
1. Normal Goku
2. Super Saiyan Goku
3. Super Saiyan 2 Goku
4. Super Saiyan 3 Goku
5. Young Gohan
6. Super Saiyan Teen Gohan
7. Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan
8. Ultimate Gohan
9. Piccolo
10. Vegeta
11. Super Saiyan Vegeta
12. Super Vegeta
13. Krillin
14. Yamcha
15. Tien
16. Trunks
17.Super Saiyan Trunks
18. Super Saiyan Gotenks
19. Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
20. Super Vegeto
21. Super Gogeta
22. Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
23. Bardock
24. Radditz
25. Saibaman
26. Nappa
27. Vegeta (scouter)
28. Zarbon
29. Zarbon Transformed
30. Doria
31. Cui
32. Ginyu
33. Ginyu Goku
34. Recoome
35. Burter
36. Jeice
37. Frieza
38. Frieza Form 2
39. Frieza Form 3
40. Friza Final Form
41. Frieza Final Form 100% Power
42. Android 16
43. Android 17
44. Android 18
45. Android 19
46. Andriod 20 (Dr Gero)
47. Imperfect Cell
48. Semi-Perfect Cell
49. Perfect Cell
50. Super Perfect Cell
51. Cell Jr.
52. Majin Vegeta
53. Fat Buu
54. Super Buu
55. Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed)
56. Kid Buu
57. Broly
58. Super Janemba
59. Omega Shenron
60. Custom Character 1
61. Custom Character 2
62. Custom Character 3
In case you missed the news, players are free to craft their perfect saiyan, hence the three “custom character” slots.
Are you content with this list? If not, who would you have added? Let us know in the comment section below.
j dog
October 14, 2011 at 1:17 PMhow about general rildo, ledgic, super syian 4 or 5 goku and vageta. and some new fusions and more new charictors