Step into the shoes once again of Ezio Auditore as he finishes the fight against the Borgia in the follow up to the award winning Assassin’s Creed II, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Since the game was launched over a year ago, a lot of fans were eager to see find out the what happens after the exciting end of Assassin’s Creed II. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood will take players into Rome as Ezio continues his quest to take down the Templars and the Borgia wanting to take the Apple of Eden.
Since Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is just a continuation of the second game, are there new things that fans can expect? Let’s check out the HOTs and NOTs of the game to find out!
There are no significant improvements when it comes to the graphical department of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. The textures and engines used in Assassin’s Creed II are still being used. The character models and the towns look like it has been recycled from the last game. What makes Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood a worthy title is the story and the great voice work from the actors which gives the characters more life. Several characters from the second game will return including Ezio, Caterina, Uncle Mario, and Machievelli. While the story and the character impresses the audience, another aspect to look forward to into is the exemplary soundtrack. The tunes that players will be hearing in the game, will set the tone and mood of the game perfectly. These include melodic emotional sounds during dramatics scenes, to more upbeat rock-like music when the the action occurs.

The Story Continues
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood takes place just after the conclusion of Assassin’s Creed II. After Ezio learns the threat that the humans will be facing in the future by Minerva, he continues his fight against the Papal of Roma, which is the Borgia. Without spoiling any more of the plot for you, Ezio cannot take down the organization that threatens Roma by himself, therefore he will be seeking allies that will aid him in his quest to take the Borgia down. More of the plot is revealed after first two sequences in the game.
Animus Training
There are a couple of improvements in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood that makes the game worth checking out. Any time during the session of Desmond with Ezio, the player will be able to enter a simulation training arena where Ezio’s skills can be enhanced by going through some challenges. Overcoming the challenges will make the player earn medals that can unlock certain bonuses in the game. The Animus Training Session can be accessed via the main menu and playing through it is highly recommended if the player wishes to master the game.
Combo Streak
In addition to the the Animus Training session, another notable feature in Brotherhood is the ability to execute a combo streak. Whenever Ezio is in the middle of a tough battle with the Roma soldiers or the templars, players can execute a combo instantly killing all the enemies around you consecutively. When an enemy hits Ezio, the combo streak will end and the player will have to do it again. The combo streak is very useful if there are more than five enemies attacking you all at once. The best way to master it is by going through the Animus Training session.

Replay a Memory and Full Synchronization
At each memory that Ezio does, there will be an optional side mission where players can perform if they wish to get a 100% synchronization on that specific memory. Depending on the performance, or if the player succeeded in achieving that side mission, the player will receive a 100% completion. Do all memories in sequence and a cheat will be unlocked. There will be times in the game where getting full 100% synchronization is impossible but for people who wish to go back to that memory, they can as Brotherhood will allow players to go back and replay the memory. Unlike the memories in Assassin’s Creed II, players can repeat the memories over and over again until they achieved their goal and do the 100% synchronization.
Tons of things to do
Similar to the past Assassin’s Creed games, Brotherhood will offer players a vast selection of side quests that they can undertake. Like the Assassin’s Tomb in the second game, the player can explore another six dungeons in order to get one of the most powerful armors in the game. The Assassin’s Tomb will no longer be in the game, but instead, a Shrine where a scroll hidden deep inside can be located. Once all six scrolls are collected, an Armor will be made available making Ezio unstoppable in his quest to stop the Borgia. Conquering the six Shrines in Roma isn’t the only things that the player can do. How does collecting stuff sound? What about burning down the Borgia Towers to free the town from their grasp and purchase stables and shops to earn money? These are just a few of the things that players can do in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood.

Build the Brotherhood
At some point in the game, Ezio will have to seek for allies in order to help him stop the Borgia from taking over Romagna. The citizens of Roma will be joining Ezio’s cause and become an assassins after helping them from the evil Borgia guards or by simply doing tasks. There are a number of recruits that can join the Brotherhood and once they joined, Ezio can use them to eliminate the enemies. As the recruit kills the enemy, an experience points will be awarded allowing them to level up. Another way to level up these recruits is by sending them out to missions.
Not So Exciting Multiplayer content
Multiplayer for an Assassin’s Creed game was the one thing we can’t imagine. While this is the first time a multiplayer aspect of the game has been implemented, there will be chance that it can be improved on in the next game. The multiplayer section of Brotherhood isn’t as exciting as it should be. The modes in the game varies from a simple rooftop race to an assassination attempt. While this is not as engaging as other online games out there, it’s good enough for players who will want to take a break.
Hardcore fans who’ve been waiting for this game should not be disappointed from this latest offering from Ubisoft. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is sure to be one of the best games released this year. It may not be as unique as players will think it will be but the exemplary storyline and addictive gameplay is what makes this game worth getting. While the multiplayer isn’t as engaging as the single player mode, what makes Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood and its series stand out is its amazing story that will surely engage its player. Ubisoft, let’s bring Assassin’s Creed III on the table please!
[Editor’s Note: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood was reviewed on the PlayStation 3 platform. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]
November 22, 2010 at 11:26 AMDoesn’t appeal this time, chasings flags and feathers and stupid races, killed it for me. No stratedgy and very little skill. Unless AC3 is set in Japan and you can be a Ninja by night Samurai by day and you actually need strategy I’m no longer interested.