Sony Computer Entertainment Japan (SCEJ) conducted a survey asking what Japanese gamers wanted from the PlayStation Plus service.
Many of the gamers asked said they wanted their saved data to be backed up online on a server. This means if the saved data on your hard drive gets corrupted or deleted accidentally you’ll have a safe back up copy online for you to use in dire situations like this.
A lot of the things asked on the survey eventually come true. But only time will tell if or when Sony will eventually implement this for PlayStation Plus subscribers.

Xbox Robot
July 29, 2010 at 11:48 AMMove will FAIL. Kintect is the SHIT! Moving around like a madman is the thing of the present/future.
Halo FTW. Wearing the chief’s helmet will make be invincible to everything in life! EVERYTHING. I AM THE HALO KING and 360 is RROD FREE.
Tyler Waller
July 29, 2010 at 11:17 PMXBOX Is GAy PS3 WILL DOMINATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!