It seems like western games are on the rise lately on next-gen consoles. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood was the most recent of these. The first one that comes to mind is Gun on the XBOX 360. With Red Dead Redemption being released next week does Fatshark’s Lead And Gold even stand out on its own as a worthy title?
The premise of the game is simple, you kill the opposing team (or each other) in the variety of game modes involved. Some even have a twist on multiplayer classics. But with Rockstar’s big name title being released in a matter of days, is it even worth it to download this title? Does it stand out in any significant way? Lets take a look at the HOTs and NOTs of this wild west online shooter.
Addicting Gameplay
As soon as you boot this game up and get into your first match, you may find yourself hooked like a fish. And the scary part is, its hard to pinpoint exactly why. Maybe its the addicting gameplay style. Or possibly the feel of Team Fortress nostalgia when you play. No matter what the case, if you choose to play it, it will be hard to put down your controller.

Wide Variety of Gameplay Modes
There are a total of 7 different modes in this game. Every single one of them has you working with four other people as a team to complete your objectives. If you don’t work as a team and decide to bring your Modern Warfare 2 mentality to this game, you’ll likely end up losing. But if you work as a team, cover your carriers, and revive fallen teammates, you stand a better chance of coming out on top.

This mode acts as a bomb the objective type mode that plays off in two rounds. The first has the attackers taking a powder keg to a designated objective then shooting it to destroy it. After you destroy your target or targets, or fail to do so because of time, the teams switch sides and the defenders must prevent their structures from being destroyed.
Greed works as a single flag capture the flag game mode. A single sack of gold spawns in the center of the map and the two opposing teams fight for control over it. After you or your opponents collect a bag, a new one spawns in the same location. The winner is the team who comes out on top with the most bags.
This mode has an attacking team trying to get explosives to the enemy base then blowing their safe and stealing the gold for themselves. Attackers win by delivering all of the gold bags to their base while the defenders score victory by preventing it. It works in two rounds just like Powder Keg.
This is a King-of-the-Hill game mode that has the teams fighting over a series of posts labeled A and on. In order to capture all of the bases, you must go in alphabetical order. That means if you are catching B and lose A, you have to run back and snag A before you can finish B.
-Gold Fever
This is a fun one to play with a buddy online. Its a cooperative mode that has you and one other friend trying to snag as many gold sacks as you can while holding out against wave after wave of enemy bots. This mode definitely requires teamwork.
This is your basic “kill the enemy team more than they kill you” type of team deathmatch. Score points by putting the opposing team in the dirt and come out on top if you can do them in more times than they wax you and your team. Simple, standard, and still fun.
This game has bright graphics that have a look that borderlines both realistic and cartoon and a way, they resemble Team Fortress 2 graphics but less cell shaded. The locals all differ from each other ranging from prairies to close quarter towns, Each one has its own unique look to it that sets it apart from the others. The western setting is definitely a nice change of pace from the standard present day setting.

Ranking System is Meh
I guess they thought they had to be like other online shooters and throw in a ranking system that doesn’t really reward you. You rise ranks in game and the more you raise up, the stronger your synergies become. Other than that, they threw them in there for looks. Or possibly to make you feel good about yourself. Until you play the next match and see that you’ve reverted back to rank one. Sadness ensues from the sand that they just threw in your eyes.
The final statement I will leave you all with is this: Is the game really worth it? Sure its a great game and you will definitely get your money’s worth out of it, but that $14.99 could be put towards Red Dead Redemption if your really itching for a good western. If you want a good place holder until then, have the money for both, or are even short on getting Red Dead, definitely consider downloading it. But if your stuck between the two and really want a good western fix, wait it out and save your money for Red Dead. But ultimately readers, its your call what you do.
[Editor’s Note: Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West was reviewed on a PlayStation 3 platform. The game was provided by the publisher.]
michael b
May 16, 2010 at 2:17 PMI noticed you didnt mention the online performance. How is it on ps3?
Richard Subia
May 16, 2010 at 3:01 PMThe online ran smooth on the PS3 when I was playing. There was no lag whatsoever and the only problem I ran into was the occasional server error. Sorry for not posting that in there lol.