If you think Final Fantasy XI is dead just because Final Fantasy XIV is coming very soon, think twice. This weekend, Square-Enix announced that three downloadable content will be released this year. The content will introduce new stages for epic combat, providing high-level players with new equipment to collect and challenging monsters to battle.
The first of these three battle area add-on content packages, titled “Vision of Abyssea™”, is scheduled to launch early in the summer of 2010, and will be followed by two additional releases, “Scars of Abyssea™” and “Heroes of Abyssea™”. These content packages will be available via the PlayOnline® Viewer, at the price of $9.99 each, with content available immediately upon purchase.

To purchase this DLC, make sure you have the Rise of Zilard and Wing of the Goddess expansion pack. Each content will cost $9.99.