Over the course of the PSN Store and XBL marketplace there have been few fighting games to come out. When somebody asks you to name the fighting games out on the network chances are that all you will be able to think of is Marvel VS. Capcom 2.
Well Battle Fantasia looks to stand out in the eyes of all gamers and be recognized as a popular fighter. But can this ambitious fighter live up to a gamers expectations and stand out? Let’s take a look at the HOTs and NOTs of this title.
Game Mode Variety
Granted that there’s nothing new in terms of game modes, Battle Fantasia does bring all of the classic game modes to the table. This includes a 2 player option, story mode, arcade mode, survival, time attack, and practice mode. Theres even an online opption that tracks your rank and lets you battle players all over the world.
The story mode is really in-depth and stands out in this game. It lets you choose one of the twelve characters and learn their background as well as their quest and what they are searching for. As each character progresses through the story you learn what it is they seek and it all results in a final battle with that characters rival.
Battle Fantasia has a very eye catching art style that really pops out at you. Each character has their own unique look and fighting style so You will never see a repeat of moves or a different skin pasted over the same move set.
Voice Work
All the voice overs in this game are done in Japanese with English subtitles. And the voice overs get extremely annoying. Thanfully there is an option to turn the volume on them down. Two of the characters, Deathbringer and Marco, are the worst. Deathbringer has a yell that he uses way too much while Marco has a high pitched, whiney voice that will make you cringe with annoyance. Those two alone will send you running to the options menu to turn it down.
Fighting Mechanics
Over the course of playing this game, you will notice how stiff your character seems as well as how hard combos are to pull of. Sure this game has a slight learning curve but you will find yourself spamming buttons trying to get a combo going only to keep doing the same single punch. And even on easy the computer will show you no mercy. You can be so close to victory and they whip out the miracle combo of a lifetime and turn you into swiss cheese. (insert frustration here)
For $19.99 this game seems like a big rip off. Sure you get a good deal or characters and game modes, but for less you could get something alot better and more rewarding that does not have a flawed fighting mechanic.
For a game that costs $19.99 and brings nothing new to the table and gives you stiff controls, I would give you the advice of saving your money or spending it on something way better thats out on the network.
[Editor’s Note: Battle Fantasia was reviewed on a PlayStation 3 platform. The game was supplied to us by the publisher.]