To celebrate the new features that is now available on XBOX Live, Microsoft will be offering free XBOX Live to all Silver subscribers wanting to try out the Facebook, Twitter,, Zune, 1 Vs. 100, Halo Waypoint, and Sky Player (EU only). The promotion will start this weekend from November 20th to the 23rd. Not all regions will have these promotion.
Here is the schedule of when the freeness starts for Silver Members:
For all Xbox LIVE regions except those in Europe, Xbox LIVE Silver members will have free access from November 20th from 12n ET /9a PT /17:00 GMT until November 23rd from 12n ET /9a PT /17:00 GMT
For All European Xbox LIVE regions, Xbox LIVE Silver member will have free access from November 25th from 17:00 GMT until November 30th at 17:00 GMT