As you know Netflix will be debuting on the Playstation 3 early next month. Recently Netflix sat down and answered some questions regarding the new PS3 service. The way this will work is you will have to insert an application disc and it must remain inside the console during the times you want to access their streaming service. They claim that the streaming disc allowed them to provide the fastest and easiest control over their service. There is speculation on their true reason for this decision. Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities believes that by putting the application on the disc Netflix has found a loophole in their agreement with Microsoft.
We believe that the exclusive arrangement limits Netflix’s ability to appear on the ‘dashboard’ for the PS3…
Fortunately, Netflix hopes to have this issue resolved by next year and have an XMB-embedded application for PS3 users. For right now you will have to rely on the application disc until a software update in 2010.