The Harvest Moon series is one of the longest actively running series out there, with releases across a number of platforms over the years. The...
XSEED Games released this week a new DLC for the critically acclaimed Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for both the PS3 and PS Vita. The new DLC that is...
On the official Facebook page of XSEED Games, a fan asked if there was a chance a Wild Arms game from the PS2 era might make it on the PSN-...
With Ys: Memories of Celceta now available in stores, XSEED Games released today the launch trailer of the game where gamers can find out more...
XSEED Games finally confirmed today the release date of the much awaited Ys: Memories of Celceta for the PS Vita. PS Vita owners looking for...
XSEED Games announced today that Ragnarok Odyssey Ace for both the PS3 and PS Vita will be heading to North America sometime in 2014. Ragnarok...
XSEED Games released this week the first English screenshots of the much awaited JRPG for the PS Vita, Ys: Memories of Celceta. The brand new...
The PAL version of XSEED Games' Valhalla Knights 3 has finally received a release date in Europe. According to the post over at the European...
XSEED Games finally confirmed today the release date of Valhalla Knights 3 for the PS Vita. Valhalla Knights 3 will be available in North...
XBOX 360
XSEED Games announced today that Killer is Dead and Deadly Premonition for the Xbox 360 are now available for purchase digitally through Xbox...
XSEED Games finally announced this week the release date to the highly anticipated Rune Factory 4 for the Nintendo 3DS. Fans of the series can...
XSEED Games is pleased to announce today that the award winning sequel of the hit The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (FC) First Chapter will...
XSEED Games announced today that Ys: Memory of Celceta on the PS Vita will be receiving a Limited Edition when it launches this Holiday...
As we get closer to the release of SUDA 51's Killer is Dead, XSEED Games released new screenshots for the game's 'Smooth Operator' DLC...
XSEED Games officially announced today that they will be the one who will publish Senran Kagura Burst in North America for the Nintendo 3DS....
When XSEED first announced Rune Factory 4, the game was originally scheduled for release sometime during the summer. With summer coming to a...
XSeeD (whose logo looks like a Japanese vibrator on a completely unrelated note), has so far made no announcements of wishing to bring the...
Suda 51 and Grasshopper Manufacture's have been slaving away at Killer is Dead, preparing it for the masses. Now, publisher Xseed Games has...
Taking place not before or after the events of the first Corpse Party but rather a retelling of the final days of the students of Kisaragi Academy,...
XSEED's morbid visual novel series, Corpse Party, has just been announced to have a sequel arriving stateside in the coming months. Skipping the...
Several months ago, it was announced by XSEED Games that they'll be the one responsible for the localization of Vanillaware's Grand Knights...
If you happen to enjoy any of Acquire's ninja or samurai games, then you will be happy to hear that sometime this year, XSEED Games will be...
From the people that brought us classic RPG titles such as Grandia and Lunar, XSEED Games is pleased to reveal today that they'll be the one to...
Right after XSEED published the PSP version of Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin in North America, the company has finally decided to bring...