As a commonly recurring character from the Mortal Kombat series, Reptile has always had a bit of notoriety attached to him. No longer will...
Building off of the MOBA craze, WB Games partnered with DC to release Infinite Crisis for the PC. The game has still yet to see an official...
Earlier today, we told you about the possibility of a new Gauntlet game coming based on a Twitter account for the game. Now, the game has been...
The Lego Movie might be one of the most anticipated family movies of next summer but it looks like you will also see a game to go with it with the...
DC Universe Online's next DLC pack Home Turf, has been detailed through a new trailer and has even been given a release date. The upcoming add-on...
Once again, Monolith is providing Gotham City Imposters players with free add-on content. The latest update will add a new map and a new...
If current rumors are to be believed, then it would seem that Monolith, the studio behind F.E.A.R., is working on a video game tie-in with Peter...
The Lego series has a habit of being extremely addicting no matter how old you are. Nothing is better than sitting on the couch and playing a game...
Gotham City Imposters is a game absolutely filled with extras and unlockables, but a fancy new cape isn't enough to motivate some gamers. For...