PC February 18th, 2011
A month has passed in the highly acclaimed DC Universe Online and in its second month, Sony Online Entertainment will be pushing through a big update...
PS3 January 25th, 2011
For those hoping to have a smooth experience in playing Call of Duty: Black Ops on the the PlayStation 3 will have to download the latest patch that...
PC January 13th, 2011
The next time players attempts to boot up DC Universe Online on either the PlayStation 3 or PC, a new patch will be available for download.
News December 22nd, 2010
Call of Duty: Black Ops on the PlayStation 3 has today received another patch version 1.05.
PS3 December 14th, 2010
Still playing Call of Duty: Black Ops? If so, a new patch will be pushed through your console the next time you play the game while connected to...
PS3 December 11th, 2010
The latest Fallout: New Vegas patch that fixes majority of the glitches and bugs in the game is now available on the PlayStation 3 (1.02).
PS3 December 6th, 2010
As soon as you boot up your PlayStation 3 while connected on the PlayStation Network, a new update will be pushed through your console.
PS3 December 6th, 2010
While Fallout: New Vegas is one of the great games of 2010, it's merely near perfect as there are bugs and issues such as players can't complete a...
PS3 December 6th, 2010
It is not a secret that the PS3 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops is plagued with bugs and issues that players are currently facing when playing the...
PS3 November 23rd, 2010
An online update is now available to download for the PS3 version of Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
PS3 November 22nd, 2010
With Gran Turismo 5 releasing in less than 48 hours, a new patch will be waiting to push through the player's console as soon as the player starts...
PS3 September 21st, 2009
Ubisoft announced today that the patch 1.1 for the PC version of Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is available for download. The patch 1.1...
PS3 September 1st, 2009
SNK Playmore has finally released a patch for The King of Fighters XII...for PS3. The new patch fixes many of the online issues that have plagued...
PS3 August 21st, 2009
SCEA announced on the Playstation blog that a new patch is coming for Socom: Confrontation. The patch is going to fix a lot of problems as well as...
PS3 August 7th, 2009
The patch for Fat Princess is now available for download. Since it's release the game has had it's fair share of multiplayer isssue. Luckily, the...