Konami announced today a new entry in the Metal Gear franchise titled, Metal Gear Survive. Metal Gear Survive is a new co-op stealth game that...
With the rumors propagating the internet over the past 24 hours regarding Hideo Kojima and his continued involvement with Konami, the duo have...
Konami revealed its financial earnings for the previous three months, showing insight into the sales figures for multiplatform stealth game Metal...
In a sudden stroke of genius, Kojima Studios and Konami have reduced the price on the prologue to the next Metal Gear Solid entry. Metal Gear...
Were you a fan of the Metal Gear spinoff Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? Konami has now posted a new fan survey on the Metal Gear Solid official...
As previously revealed, the next Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance DLC pack will let you play as the blade wolf and add some new depth to the story....
While we've heard a lot of information about the PS3 Exclusive VR Missions in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, today Konami revealed the DLC will...
For those of you that bought a copy of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, you no doubt noticed the flyer for a loyalty program called "Konami Core"....
Thanks to a recent update to the Japanese Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance site, we now have some new information for the upcoming DLC. According...
While you probably thought Metal Gear Excelsus was the final boss, you still have to defeat the person piloting him. At first you might think he is...
While Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has plenty of unlockables, it can take you a while to make the most of them. The Fox Blade (DLC weapon)...
So you’ve killed off Desperado and are about to put an end to things, but first you have to stop Metal Gear Excelsus. While you might be...
Unless you were a big fan of Monsoon, you’re probably going to hate Sam. It’s not that Sam is a particularly difficult boss to beat, but you...
By now you probably think you’re a master of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but unlike most of the game, Monsoon requires a lot more skill...
Completely unlike the horror that is Monsoon, Sundowner is among the easiest bosses in the game. That is, if you know how to fight him. Contrary...
At first glance Mistral might look like a push over, but she can be a tricky if you fight her the wrong way. Since you most likely don’t have a...
Typically flash and substance don’t go together, but Platinum Games has always found a way to accomplish both. This all started with Bayonetta,...
So you’re 5 minutes into Rising and bam, Metal Gear Ray appears. This fight can be difficult if you’re on a higher difficulty, so we made a...
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be hitting it's target release dates in the US and EU, which are February 19th (today) and February 22nd...
While we will have to wait another week to check out Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, commercials have already started airing in the US. In...
So far we don't know a lot about the future of the Wii U, but we do know Platinum Games is bringing over The Wonderful 101 and of course...
Konami has announced that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be getting a demo on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 in January across all regions. The...
Gamers who are looking forward into getting Metal Gear Rising Revengeance next year should go ahead and pre-order the game at Gamestop to get a...
While several fans were excited to play Zone of the Enders HD, many others were excited to try out the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo....