Following a comment that was made in regards to some Pokemon that cannot be transferred to the series' latest release, Game Freak released a...
Game Freak, the team behind the Pokemon franchise, has partnered up with Sega to produce a new game exclusive to next gen consoles. Dubbed Tembo...
Following up on the recent release of the soundtrack for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen on iTunes, Game Freak and Nintendo has decided to release...
Ever since the release of the original Pokemon Red and Blue (Green in Japan), Pokemon has been a worldwide phenomenon that shows no signs of...
Players starting out their journey to become the world's number one Pokemon master in Pokemon X and Y will have twice the selection of any...
After Harmoknight was first announced, Pokemon fans were excited to see their favorite songs included. With these songs and other items being...
When you think of Game Freak, your mind most likely jumps to Pokemon. If this happens to be true for you, don’t feel bad since that’s...