Capcom's Ace Attorney Trilogy,a retelling of Phoenix Wright's rise to number one defense attorney in Japan Los Angeles, will be arriving on...
The Ace Attorney series has been a staple for Nintendo handhelds for years now through the Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice games. However, this...
Today's Nintendo Direct finally brought new information regarding Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice's latest return to the courtrooms. For...
Both the Professor Layton and Ace Attorney franchises have long thrived on Nintendo's handhelds. This culminated in a crossover game between the...
It's been a while since we've heard about Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney, but Level 5 has released a new trailer to show it off. The trailer...
A Japanese movie adaptation of Ace Attorney was released earlier this year in cinemas. The Blu-ray and DVD release for the movie is out this...
More news keeps pouring in as GamesCom continues in Cologne. We've seen Capcom's Monster Hunter Tri, now let's check out some screenshots of the...
Capcom has announced today the opening of the official website of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth for the Nintendo DS. The game is set...