Defeating the final Boss of Tatsunoko VS Capcom Ultimate All-Stars boils down to a couple certain things. Get your attacks in, and then back off for a bit. In his first form, his attacks are mostly close range, and his super attacks drains your entire energy bar. In his second form, he has longer reach and can still drain your special bar. Simply get your hits in and dodge his super attacks and you will be fine. His final form is a bit tricky, but is simply the same principle. This is where you should unload into him with super attacks. However, normal attacks will be fine, but if he starts to glow, back off quick! His super attack will nine times out of ten kill you, so it is vital to dodge them.
The simplest method to defeat him though is simply use super attacks. Beam/range attacks work best as he takes massive damage from them! For example, Ryu’s hyper beam or Frank Wests mega cannon
Unlocking Characters
Many people may want to play as characters like Frank West and Zero right from the start, but they will be sadly disappointed as they must be unlocked. It is rather simple though!

Land the final blow on the last boss with a Capcom character four times to unlock Frank West!
Play as ZERO

Land the final blow on the last boss with a Capcom character four more times after that and unlock Zero!
Now for the Tatsunoko characters!
Land the final blow on the last boss with a Tatsunoko character four times to unlock Tekkaman Blade!
Land the final blow on the last boss with a Tatsunoko character four more times after that and unlock Joe the Condor!
And finally, defeat the last boss with Frank West, Zero, Takkaman Blade, and Joe the Condor and you will unlock Yatterman-2!
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