Telltale Games has set a release date for The Walking Dead: Episode 4 – Around Every Corner, and they weren’t lying when they said it’d be coming “soon”. Starting tomorrow, October 9th, you can continue your fight for survival with Lee and Clementine.
Assuming you don’t already have the Season Pass, Episode 4 can be purchased on the PlayStation Store for $4.99. XBLA will update with the new episode the following day, October 10th, for 400 MS Points. PC gamers can obtain the next piece of episodic content from multiple sources (Telltale Games Store, Steam, Origin, etc.) on October 10th as well.
At this time, European and international release dates have not been confirmed, although the game is currently going through the submission process with SCEE. We have been told we will be given an update on a release date for those territories “as soon as Telltale Games receives a release confirmation”.