Not even a month since its release and a lot of players have already reached the max level cap for TERA, leaving them less things to do in the game. Well, if you’ve cleared almost all of the dungeons in TERA and are looking for more, a new level sixty dungeon will be available tomorrow.
Sometime tomorrow, after its weekly maintenance, a new patch will be available for download via the client. With the patch comes a new level 60 dungeon called Temple of Temerity. If you have a minimum item level of 138, and you’re level 60, you’re ready to take this new dungeon as early as tomorrow.
Here’s the complete details of the new patch that you will be downloading tomorrow:
New Stuff and Changes
- Added a new level 60 dungeon instance: Temple of Temerity.
- Players can enter the temple by talking to Ebir inside Forgeheart in Kaiator. Note to castanic characters: talk does not mean flirt.
- New quest added: “Test your Temerity”
- Temple of Temerity has been added to Instance Matching.
- Minimum item level to enter is 138.
- Rules of the temple:
- You don’t talk about the temple.
- You don’t talk about the temple.
- The temple is a small instance where you protect a relic for 20 minutes.
- Four levels of rewards scale with greater success during the three phases.
- Level one: Succeed by protecting the relic for 20 minutes.
- Level two: Succeed by clearing phase one plus killing one named mob.
- Level three: Succeed by clearing phase two plus killing two named mobs.
- Level four: Succeed by clearing phase three and killing three named mobs.
- You also earn dire and practicum badges by clearing the Temple of Temerity.
- Dire badge merchants will sell specific advanced glyphs (unlike honey badger merchants, who just don’t give a…)
- Practicum badge merchants will sell “glyph boxes” that give players random advanced glyphs for their class, alkahest, intricate identification scrolls, practicum badges, or dire badges.
- Added an achievement for beating Kelsaik’s Nest 30 times on hard mode. You’ll receive a Kelsaik mask when you unlock this achievement, but don’t worry—no one will mistake you for a lunatic god who woke up too early.
- Improved gathering skill: skill level increases even when you fail to gather because, hey, why not learn from your mistakes?
- Messages now guide players on using proper enchant materials (alkahest) per enchant level.