If current rumors are to be believed, then it would seem that Monolith, the studio behind F.E.A.R., is working on a video game tie-in with Peter Jackson’s upcoming movie, The Hobbit. Since the movie will open in theaters this December, it is likely that the game would release around the same time if it is, in fact, real.
Superannuation is constantly digging up bits of information across the internet and apparently this tie-in was their latest discovery. Their latest Twitter update stated the following:
As to what Monolith/WB Games Seattle is up to now – pretty sure it is a little fantasy action RPG-lite called The Hobbit: Part One. It also sounds like WB Seattle will be handling the tie-in for the second Hobbit film.
So, there you have it. We may get to experience The Hobbit twice this December: once on the big screen and a second time on our home consoles.