Today UbiSoft released a new gameplay video and episode two of the mini series, Rabbids Go Home. The game is set to release on the Nintendo Wii, DS, and DSi. The new gameplay video introduces a male human who seeks to retire by 35. He uses positive thinking as his weapon of choice while working hard, and likes to keep things clean. That is, until an intruder alert goes off. Everything goes nuts, and now his only goal is to get away from those crazy rabbids! While watching Episode 2 of the miniseries, you get a real taste for this particular character. He definitely keeps to his strategy of keeping clean and even seems to be a bit obsessive – watch him freak out and run out of the room as the leaves from a plant keep falling off making the room dirty, well, dirty according to this Human.
Rabbids Go Home is set to release this November 3rd. Stay tuned for more updates.
Here are the two videos! Enjoy!