For those that live in the UK and haven’t already pre-ordered Sniper Elite V2, 505 Games has just given you extra incentive to jump on board with their new third-person shooter early. By putting your money down on Sniper Elite V2 before May 4th, you’ll get access to the Assassinate The Führer mission and two exclusive weapons.
The new weapons are the SVT-40 and Kar 98, but I’m sure that isn’t the part of the pre-order bonus that you’re interested in. Assassinate The Führer tasks the sniper with changing history by taking out Hitler. He is on his way back to Berlin from Berchtesgaden on his personal train. It is the sniper’s job to intercept the train and wait for the leader of the Third Reich to make his way to his destination on foot. Only one opportunity will present itself so make it count.
If that additional content doesn’t intrigue you, I don’t know what will! Unfortunately, it is unknown at this time whether or not US retailers will be offering the same bonus for pre-ordering the game. Sniper Elite V2 will be available on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.