It appears as if party chat will be freely available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
MTV Multiplayer interviewed Infinity Ward’s Creative Strategist Robert Bowling about the game where he said that party chat will feature in the game.
Xbox 360’s party chat was disabled in many games modes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but in Modern Warfare 3 it is more forgiving giving you the option for party chat is most game modes apart from Search & Destroy.
This comes as great news for gamers who love to communicate with each other during gameplay. It will make matches are lot more co-operative and interesting to say the least.
Here’s what Robert Bowling had to say:
“The only place where Party Chat should be blocked is Search & Destroy,” says Bowling, since that’s the only mode where players are meant to have only one life per attack, and allowing dead players to chat with live ones might create an unfair advantage. For all of the other modes, “it’s about giving options. We will have places where competitive guys go where you might have restrictive voice chat. And then you have an option to maybe play that same mode without the same restrictions if that’s the type of player you are.”