Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star was an interesting title. It was basically a faster, less difficult, Dynasty Warriors, with a couple interesting stories. Give the popularity of Fate and success of The Umbral Star, another title was made.
If I had to sum up Fate/Extella Link, it feels like DLC. Playing as Charlemagne was a different experience than the other, though it played exactly the same way, up to and including the same shortcomings.
I could run, take out the bosses and then go to the next zone. Rush and overwhelm enemies by a couple well timed attacks. Multiple objectives and changing conditions appeared. Level, enemies and allies looked exactly the same as the previous entry and more.
Sadly, the demo did not include enough of story to comment on it, making the experience rather straightforward. If you loved the previous title, odds are you’ll love this, where as the opposite is also true.