With the big release of Watch Dogs this Tuesday, Best Buy has tailored a good portion of their gaming sales around the release. A few of these involve video games themselves, while one involves something that plays a major role in the game, cell phones.
If you buy Watch Dogs and a new smartphone with a two year activation plan, you will receive a $50 Best Buy gift card. By purchasing Watch Dogs, you also have the opportunity to save $10 on a 12 month PS Plus subscription. Also, if you buy Watch Dogs, you can save $20 on the purchase of certain other games, which are listed below:
-NBA 2K14 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
-Dark Souls (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
-Grand Theft Auto V (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
-Killzone Shadow Fall (PlayStation 4)
-InFamous: Second Son (PlayStation 4)
-Kinect Sports Rivals (Xbox One)
-Dead Rising 3 (Xbox One)
-Forza 5 (Xbox One)
-Ryse: Son of Rome (Xbox One)
-Drakengard 3 (PlayStation 3)
More titles may be available online or in-store as well. Lastly, you can save $5 on the Watch Dogs Collector’s Edition Guide this week for only $29.99.