If you were to visit the Spartan Stand Tall website in its early stages, you would have seen rain blowing into the ocean in a violent storm. The site was recently updated so that now when you visit it, you will see half of the back of someone’s head on the left of the screen looking down into the ocean. When the lightning strikes, you see a reflection in the ocean of a male figure looking back. Speculation has already begun as to what this could mean. Some say that this could mean the appearance of Kratos’ brother. Others say Kratos is about to make his big comeback in some way. With the new comic just released after the stunning conclusion of Kratos’ epic journey, maybe there is a tie in game with that story in the works?
What do you think readers? Visit the site by using the link here then pop back in and leave a comment below telling us here at the site and your fellow readers what you think this means. Hopefully some details will be released soon to satisfy our curiosity.