Even though Nintendo is having issues keeping the current Switch in stock, Bloomberg is reporting that we might see a mid-generation upgraded version of the Switch next year.
While those in touch with Bloomberg have mentioned specifications have yet to be decided, they claim Nintendo is considering a number of different possibilities. Among the possible upgrades listed is 4K graphics and obviously additional power to achieve said graphics.
Along with an upgraded system, a wide array of diverse titles will also be revealed, ideally allowing Nintendo to better compete against the upcoming PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Despite Bloomberg likely having access to credible sources, whether they’re identified or not, it’s important to keep in mind these rumors have been around for ages. A lot of them stem less from actual insider information and more speculation based off the assumption Nintendo will release an enhanced system as they did with the 3DS and DS and belief they will want to battle Sony and Microsoft with specs. Given the current power of the Switch and current limitations for the enhanced consoles, it seems like a bit much for Nintendo.
Given there are a lot of things indicating it, be it data or reports like this, it seems like an enhanced Switch is less of a maybe and more of a matter of time. Odds are Nintendo will also wait, like everyone else, for Microsoft and Sony to reveal their prices and decide just how powerful they can make it and be cost effective. Whatever ends up happening, it’s good to see companies fighting to make the best product.