Despite claiming a number of bosses in The Surge 2 are glorified enemies, both H.A.R.O.L.D and Goddess Helena are literally just bigger versions of the Bloodhound Robot and Gaia Statue with a couple of new moves. And, as a result of them being rather lazy, they have the exact same weaknesses. Here’s our The Surge 2 Harold and Goddess Helena Guide:
Editor’s Note: This guide does not include the method to unlock the 2.0 weapon. At the time of writing, it is not currently known how to unlock it in The Surge 2.
Both bosses get destroyed by Brother Truman’s Faith or if you lack that, Fanatical Excruciator and EMP-44 ‘Starfish’ drone. They’re also easy to overwhelm, so I would suggest a build that plays into an extremely aggressive playstyle. However, if you’re not that type of player, a slow and steady build works if you use the drone to build stun.

Going into this fight you want to stun and rush. With enough force, you can actually stun, shock and devastate it to half health in a single combo. I suggest taking off the tail blade, though it will get a replacement, and playing smart. Like all Bloodhounds, they’re not hard if you play it cool.
Goddess Helena
This fight is more like a really annoying version of a Gaia Statue enemy. Break her shield, use the EMP to finish the stun and do as much damage as possible. This statue has a couple of new tricks, though there really isn’t much to worry about as long as you prioritize breaking her shield.
Also, if you want to obtain the Helena armor set, it can be purchased from the doctor vendor in the nearby camp.
For more guides like our The Surge 2 Harold and Goddess Helena boss tips, check out our game guide page.